Being Human written by Ramesh Ramkumar
Book Review:
Being Human written by Ramesh Ramkumar
It’s amazing how things always happen at the right time! Gods plan is perfect and all we need to do is trust ourselves and do the right thing. This book is one of those, “right thing at the right time” moments. Ramesh firmly believes in the concept of “Cleanliness is close to Godliness.” But here, we are talking about internal cleanliness. What are you putting inside your body and how much respect do you have for this divine gift that we have been given to look after?
Ramesh starts with his personal story of discovery and exploration to wellness. His story is not unique – he is very real and has shared intimate thoughts that we all have but often too shy to share. Then he puts the reader on a journey to wellness addressing all aspects: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. I am truly inspired to get myself healthy and well and I am very sure you will too!