Kloof Talks
10.20 am Louise VN Liebenberg from I-nfinitePotential
Talk Information:
How suppressing your feelings impacts on your physical and emotional health and what to do instead.
Suppressing your emotions, whether it’s hurt, loss, anger, sadness, or frustration, can cause physical stress on your body. It does not matter what the root emotion(s) are, the result is the same – it can affect blood pressure, memory and adrenal function, which in turn affects thyroid function and hormonal changes.
There is an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease. And avoiding emotions can also lead to problems with over-reactions, personal relationship problems, aggression, anxiety and depression”.
A study from the University of Texas found that by not acknowledging our emotions we’re actually making them stronger.
Louise will lay out a safe, supported way in which you can reframe your life experiences and not only overcome, but empower yourself.
She says: “when I realized that I was causing great physical damage to myself, I woke up and became willing to look for help. I want the same for others, as my experience has been truly life-changing.”
Drawing heavily on her professional experiences and her own transformational process, Louise VN Liebenberg, Life Coach, Counsellor, Rescuer-Of-Abandoned-Cats and Road-Trip-Lover shares her no-nonsense, practical approach to mindful, constructive involvement in one’s own life.
She lays out a fresh approach to relationship building and shares the outlook-changing self-empowerment tools needed in a step by step way.
Louise is an international bestselling author and transformational coach and counsellor who is also a professional stained glass and ceramic artist. She has been facilitating Adult Child Syndrome, Self-Esteem and Self-Empowerment Support Groups for the last 10 years.
Her passion is sharing her “NO More” Toolkit with others, so that real tools and empowered mind sets become a way of life.
She loves taking long road trips with her husband, exploring new places on her motorbike. At home she likes nothing better than writing her next book with three cats curled up on her legs.
As your “Fearless Magnificence Coach” she believes in your ability to shine, overcome and transform your life and relationships.
Her book Hamster Wheel Relationships For Women: A Step by Step Process to Transform Unfulfilling Relationship Patterns is an international bestseller.
2 Giveaways
One free coaching session on the topic of your choice.
One copy of her bestselling book Hamster Wheel Relationships for Women.
11.20am: Celeste Du Toit from YES Paradigm Coaching
Talk Information:
8 Pillars of Wellness – what does HOLISTIC wellness really mean?
Confused about all the healing modalities out there? Are you really getting to the root cause or just treating the symptom? Why does some treatments work for some people, and not for others? How much does belief have to do with it?
Dis-ease, blocks, disharmony and unhappiness cannot be seen in isolation. The impact of our emotions, thoughts, beliefs and other factors on our health and wellness is well researched and accepted. But what does total wellness really mean and how can you apply it in your life? What is in your control, and what not?
Celeste will give a breakdown and practical examples of the 8 pillars of wellness to fuel, engage and nurture a healthy body, mind and spirit. She will also illustrate how the body literally speaks our mind, and how to address wholeness on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
Celeste Du Toit is a transformational Life Coach, Speaker, Healer, and Workshop Facilitator. She is the founder of YES Paradigm Coaching, a provider of self-awareness and empowerment programs, workshops and retreats.
Her approach is transformational. Healthy, happy and passionate people create strong, productive and coherent families, communities, workplaces and nations. Celeste uses neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), and energy healing techniques (KaHuna bodywork and Reiki) to help people:
- Improve their self-esteem and confidence
- Cultivate healthy relationships on personal and professional levels
- Enjoy better health and vitality
- Find their passion, sense of purpose and meaning in life
- Break self-sabotaging and limiting habits and patterns
Celeste has a dynamic, joyful, and enthusiastic approach to life, and is a confident, passionate and entertaining motivational speaker. Her workshops are well-loved and talks are perfect for wellness events, corporate groups, and people interested in personal growth, empowerment and healing..
And what out for the many exciting, educational and transformational workshops and retreats held by Celeste.
Discount vouchers for KaHuna massage or Reiki – to help you clear stuck energy.
12.20pm: Dawn Cameron – Chirology
Talk Information:
The secrets your hands reveal about yourself.
Chirology is the study of the hand and the principals of Chirology are based on both scientific research and ancient knowledge. By applying these principals, it is possible to obtain accurate information and a complete picture of person’s emotional, physical and psychological character.
This unique method is objective, insightful and accurate which allows you to understand yourself better, improve your life, avoid repeating mistakes and identifies your greatest strengths and how to use them.
When you have your hands read, you will receive a complete map of yourself to navigate your own life better and feel more confident and authentic.
Access your potential and benefit from a deeper understanding of your unique qualities, gifts and talents.
Dawn Cameron Chirologist and Angelic Reiki Master Teacher based at the Breathing Space Glenwood, offers an intuitive conversational style of authentic healing therapy that focussed on your hands.
When Dawn is not analysing finger print and palm patterns, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, swimming in the ocean and meditating (her happy places) or creating an explosion of flavour with her latest salads.
She is currently working on creating awareness of this unique modality through one on one appointments, networking with her tribe, social media and group talks.
You can reach Dawn either via email dawncameron065@gmail.com or call her on 083 792 5735 to book your session.
Giveaway: A gift voucher for one and a half hour session that will focus on your unique qualities, personality, gifts, talents and potential, physical and emotional health, challenges and life purpose.
1.20pm: Cheryl-Ann Antonizzi from Completehealing4me
Talk Information:
Is it possible to cure depression without drugs or talk therapy? TRE has been used in over 30 countries with enormous success in the treatment of depression. In this talk, Cheryl-Ann from Complete healing 4me gives an in depth explanation of what TRE is and how it can be used to assist in restoring the body back to health.
Biography: Cheryl-Ann Antonizzi, Dip.Coun, M.Sc from CompleteHealing4Me is an experienced Educator ,TRE Facilitator and Trauma Therapist. She works to support and empower adults and children, assisting them in returning to a state of health. Her empathy and calm demeanour allows her to create a safe space where true healing can take place. Based on recent scientific studies, as well as results she has achieved with her own clients, she is passionate about the effectiveness of the body being able to heal itself. She currently resides in Gillitts, KZN.
Giveaway: A free TRE session for 3 lucky visitors.
2.20pm: Maureen Edgcumbe a Holistic Coach
Talk Information:
The Adventure Of Exploring You and the path of self-realisation
“I am always in conversation and sometimes other people are involved” – Mark Twain
The purpose of self-inquiry is not to “fix” anything, but to rather honestly investigate what it is, that is really running our lives. In this talk Maureen will take you along a path of honest reflection, and identify the misperceptions of health, creative expression and empowerment. She will offer a practicle understanding and new insights into the power of the spoken word, communication, and how it is possible to open up awareness, intuition and self understanding.
“Healing is quantum leaps of creativity” – Deepak Chopra
Maureen Edgcumbe’s coaching style is an extraordinarily powerful methodology for positive and sustainable change for individuals in all areas of life. She has a variety of health modalaties from which to draw while guiding and educating her clients towards responsive self awareness, CHOICE and personal growth.
Maureen originally qualified as a Graphic Designer in 1977 but her true passion has always been People Development. Her interest in coaching began as early as the 1980s as a Life Line Councillor and Course Facilitator. This work opened a path of enquiry which developed into her own personal growth and self-awareness. It was during this time that she trained and qualified as a Specialized Kinesiologist. She later qualified as an instructor in Advanced Neuro Training and Healing Principles. Prior to becoming a full-time professional landscape and portrait artist, Maureen spent 30 years managing her Kinesiology practice and running her Energy Healing – Colour & Intuition Workshops. Maureen has recently been included as member of the directory of SA Chirologists.
Lately Maureen has explored both the Integral & Ontological coaching schools through her work with her own coach, with whom she engages on a regular basis. Given her commitment to compassion and attention to detail in her engagements, Maureen is a trusted and sought after intuitive coach who has a unique ability to identify the root causes of many creative and health challenges. In her coaching she aims for tangible outcomes for her clients that are designed to enhance their competence and resourcefulness.
Giveaway: 5 Entries to Energy Healing – Colour & Intuition Workshop – 24 th August 2019
Time: 2.30 till 5pm
3.20pm: Marijke de Bruin from Soul Essence
Talk Information:
Selflessness through ‘Selfishness’
Consistently being aware of and seeing to your needs for self nurturing, empowerment and inspiration ensures that we are filled and refilled with the joy and energy we need in order to help others. Fill your life’s tool box with easy practices in awakening and manifesting the power of awareness, grounding, recharging, surrendering, stillness, realignment and connectedness. Be the guardian to your own wellbeing.
Marijke is a wholistic vocal coach, EQ music and arts facilitator, a shamanic medicine and multi-modality practitioner as well as a Young Living (Hello Essentials) essential oils distributor and integrative oils mentor.
She is the founder and owner of Soul Essence – Journey to Your Authentic Voice; which focuses on empowering children, adults, families and communities to express their truth through integrative voice, music, arts and healing practices. ‘Speaking and singing from your truth is the most powerful gift you could give to yourself and in turn to humanity.’ Marijke works privately and alongside various NGOs, schools and businesses empowering others to be present in their personal and collective journeys without judgement or expectation. Marijke’s ‘Little Big Voices’ EQ music and creative arts programme is close to her heart as she facilitates little hearts and minds navigating their way through the various landscapes of their lives. She facilitates individual, family and community connectivity sessions including various workshops supporting mindful, heartful, physical and spiritual wellness and awareness.
‘The Journey to your authentic voice is a liberating yet testing journey embracing a powerful being and a collective consciousness – a voice with vision opens the gateway to freedom from conditioning, surrendering to a beautiful and rooted sense of presence’.
1. Hello Essentials Essential Oils Goodie Bag
2. R200 voucher towards a Healing Session with Marijke @ Soul Essence
4.20pm: Wendy Wotherspoon from Pure Rejuvenation
Talk Information:
What can your feet and face reveal about your health and wellbeing?
When observing the body, there are many scattered clues that lead the way to understanding and knowing where dysfunction, frailty and stuck energy lies. In this talk we will use knowledge from reflexology, language of the feet, pressure point therapy, meridians, and body biomechanics as our guides to explore what the different lines, colours and swellings on our feet and face may mean. Then we combine what we learn to see if the feet correspond to the face. Take home these valuable insights for yourself, friends and clients.
Wendy’s passion lies with assisting people into wellness and wholeness. Many times we have the awareness that our health is off-centre and unbalanced, and are unsure where this imbalance can be stemming from or how to restore health. Through Reflexology, Language of the Feet, Aromatherapy, Skincare and Massage Wendy provides therapeutic holistic support so that her clients have a deeper understanding of how their bodies functioning intertwines physically, emotionally and mentally. In addition to working as a holistic therapist, Wendy has gathered 10-year experience as a lecturer in holistic health, leading the way forward to the new generation of therapists.
Giveaway: 4 attendees will receive 30min Reflexology session free.