Basic Ultimate Detox Kit


Boosts Immune and supports your entire system whist detoxing


1 x ImmuneZap Capsules- Boosts Immune and supports your entire system whist detoxing

1 x ParaZap- Target Gut and Colon to remove all unwanted toxins and organisms

1 x ColonZap- Targets the Colon ensuring a squeaking clean system functioning at optimal level

1 x KidneyZap- Flushes out the Kidneys and clears the way for proper filtration to take place

1 x Liver and GallZap- Removes built up debris, breaks and remove stones and flushes out the ducts to ensure all toxins are removed from the system

1 x Can-Zap-Dida – Eradicates Candida Fungus and assists in bringing the body back into balance

1 X The Clark Therapy Booklet-All you need to know about detoxification and how

1 X The Zapper- Used in conjunction with the cleanses for Ultimate detoxification. A life time electronic instrument


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