The subconscious mind has fascinated me since I was fourteen years old. Decades later, I’m still captivated by the body’s natural ability to heal under the right internal and external conditions. Early childhood trauma haunted me for over thirty years. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t escape or ignore the resulting patterns of thought and behaviour. I was depressed, overweight, and bulimic. After losing 2 babies, I realized that if I was to become a parent, I would need to not only change what was keeping me trapped, but change so that I could pass on better thoughts, beliefs & life skills to my children and generations to follow.
Changing my core beliefs allowed me the freedom to be myself, drop the unnecessary weight & stop the sabotaging patterns holding me trapped. I am a PSYCH-K® Facilitator (Master & Advanced Levels), Level-3 EFT Practitioner, Fabric designer & Animal lover. I am also qualified in Matrix Reimprinting, with Karl Dawson & Emotion Code, with Bradley Nelson. I offer In Person, or On line sessions, assisting you to map out your goals, remove beliefs which are false & sabotaging your progress or wellbeing; and re-wire new thought patterns which support your goals & dreams. The combination of re-wiring new supportive thought patterns & having a specific, measurable, realistic, achievable plan of action, accelerates your progress & success.
I Specialize in Belief Engineering & assisting people to reach their goals.
Services: Weight loss, Self-esteem, Bullying, Trauma and abuse, Stress & anxiety, Allergies, Overcoming academic challenges, Pets, Vision Boards & Action Plans
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Nirvana, Our Interviewer
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