Talks in our Chat Circle

On our veranda next to the food court we will setup some chairs and a few presenters
will give a talk on the half hour.


Our Line up of Talks are as follows:

10.30 – Noori Siddiqui from Optimum Wellness

The Natural Solution to Bone and Joint Health
Mobility, Agility, Longevity

Noori Siddiqui is a seasoned Radio and TV Presenter for twenty years and a Natural Health Practitioner.

At age 55 Noori found herself in severe pain from menopausal arthritis and went onto completely heal herself, she went onto develop her own product Miracle Collagen with L-Glutamine.

Her company Optimum Wellness, provides leading edge natural solution to bone and joint reparation to alleviate pain and improve mobility by strengthening bones and joints and reducing inflammation.

11.30 –  Louise VN Liebenberg from – I-nfinitePotential

Connecting to your Fearless Magnificence

What if you needed just a few little tweaks in order to embrace your own awesomeness?
If you ever wondered what the missing secret sauce is or what could be keeping you from reaching your highest potential, be sure not to miss this straight-talking no fluff talk by international bestselling author, coach and speaker Louise VN Liebenberg.
This is what others has to say about her:
“Her highly insightful intuitive approach changes lives”
“A shortcut to sanity”
“The real deal”
Make sure to show up for 30 life changing minutes – LuluBee 

Demo on reusable Beeswax wraps

12.30pm – Guy McGowan from The PowaForce Forum

Do you ever consider the power of Language and how our words shape our world, day in and day out – without us being aware?

Join Guy McGowan in the courtyard where he will be talking about The Art of Listening and the profound impact this might have on our Language and, in due course, our Life. – Dillon Gavin – Healthy Cooking Demonstration

Join Dillon Gavin as he lifts the lid on healthy cooking with AMC Cookware, showing you the benefit of fat free, waterless cooking incorporating AMC Cookwares motto of Eat Better Live Better.

Learn how induction works, why is it so effective and how it can save you time and money.

Don’t miss this amazing cooking demonstration, so make sure you are ready to experience this opportunity.

1.30pm – John DUTTON from SAMHA

Uncovering the truths and non truths of past life regression

2.30pm – Roxann Chetty

Join Roxanne for a Crossing Over and channeling session in the courtyard


3.15 pm-  Krishna Jagarnath

Atma Kriya Yoga is the easiest way to realise the unity with the whole, as it aligns the body, mind and spirit towards God-realisation. Atma Kriya Yoga stands for remembering that all is God – in all time and space. Previously taught by Paramahamsa Yoganands.

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Talks in our Chat Circle in the courtyard

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