Fanny Lacroix Interview – Kinesiology
My interest in alternative and natural forms of therapy was nurtured from an early age, as my immediate family members resorted to this kind of healing as a first port of call. Homeopaths, acupuncturist and naturopaths were usually consulted as a matter for course. As a child, I was also very close to animals and very sensitive to their well-being.
Fast forward many years and I have moved from France to South Africa, where I have taught languages at university and worked as a Language Practitioner for 12 years. I discovered Kinesiology in 2014 and was impressed by its health benefits. I also found in this gentle, powerful modality a golden opportunity to work with animals, which I had wanted to do since I was a child. I studied through the Specialized Kinesiology College of South Africa and am now qualified in human, equine and canine kinesiology.
Until now, most of my animal clients have been dogs and horses, but I have also worked on cats and on a parrot, and I am keen to adapt my skills to help other species where possible, including wild animals. From a human perspective, my enjoyment of sports and the outdoors, as well as my teaching and lecturing background, have naturally led me to focus on the enhancement of both sport and learning performances. I will however work with most other issues.
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Fanny is a Body and Mind Member, South Africa’s online health and well being directory for healers and therapists. Visit her page for more information about what she offers.: