EQ in Action with Avril Kidd
Growing teams for sustainable success one person at a time
Cultivating leadership skills to foster an environment where people feel respected and valued, leads to greater co-operation within teams and results in increased productivity and profitability.
Through interactive workshops, supported by one on one coaching, people are able to grow and realise their full potential personally and professionally. Our workshops enable participants to be more effective and lead healthier, more balanced lives. Because of this, they tend to have a greater influence on others, make better decisions and achieve overall, greater
life satisfaction.
Emotional intelligence is a break through approach, a powerful way of looking at people and behavior. It is an integrated approach that combines thinking and feeling to make optimal decisions. An international study showed that emotional intelligence predicts almost 55% of key success factors in the workplace, which is why innovative organizations are using EQ in sales, leadership, recruitment and team performance. It is also based on neuroscience and is not the "touchy feely" concept that many people are mislead to believe. It is that "IT" factor that some people are seen to have - the great news is that it is a learnable skill.
Emotional Intelligence Toolset
Using the tools of emotional intelligence participants increase self awareness, improve self management and grow their self esteem. We enable others to clarify purpose and values, developing empathy, essential for human interaction, cooperation and leadership.
EQ in Action supports organisations through:
In-house workshops and team building
* Public workshops for individuals
* One on one coaching and group coaching
* Psychometric EQ testing: SEI Leadership/Development, SEI - YV,SEI 360, Brainstyle and Brain talent assessments.
* Brain Discovery profiling for Recruitment and selection
Leadership Vital Signs Assessments (LVS) for individuals, and Team Vital Signs (TVS) for teams and small to medium size groups or companies and Organisational Vital Signs (OVS) for large corporates
As a Preferred Partner to Six Seconds in South Africa, EQ in Action is supporting positive change in South Africa through developing Emotional Intelligence one person at a time!
As part of the global initiative to grow people practicing emotional intelligence, we also host regular EQ certifications in South Africa, with Master trainer and Director of the MEA Region, Jayne Morrison.
Six Seconds is a global network supporting people to create positive change - everywhere, all the time. We teach the skills of emotional intelligence to fill the "missing link" needed for people to become more aware, intentional, and purposeful so individuals, teams, organizations, families, schools and communities flourish.