Body Stress Release with Simon Green
Body and Mind Website Address
Business Website Address
Mobile Phone Number
083 790 5478
Business Street Address
129 Derby Road , Kensington
Coaching With NLP with Wayne Farrell
Brief Description
I am a master practitioner and trainer of NLP, Hypnosis, Coaching and Time Line Therapy. I am passionate about helping people reach their full potential and to achieve the goals they have set themselves.
I also firmly believe in personal development and continuous education. The world is always changing and we need to stay ahead of the curve or be left behind.
Body and Mind Website Address
Business Website Address
Mobile Phone Number
074 915 7633
Business Street Address
Services Offered Across Country
Western Cape
EQ in Action with Avril Kidd
Brief Description
Growing teams for sustainable success one person at a time

Cultivating leadership skills to foster an environment where people feel respected and valued, leads to greater co-operation within teams and results in increased productivity and profitability.
Coaching individuals and teams by working on their EQ competencies and talents. Also offer adult and children EQ assessments and Organisational Vital Sign psychometrics
Body and Mind Website Address
Business Website Address
Mobile Phone Number
082 779 6299
Business Street Address
La Lucia
Past Life Regression with Janet Homan
Brief Description
I combine my hypnotherapy, psychic and energy healing skills in providing:
energy healing, past/current life regression sessions, life between lives regressions, spirit release from people, houses and work places, in order to positively affect a change within a person or place.
Body and Mind Website Address
Mobile Phone Number
082 871 1069
Business Street Address
5 Francis way, The Vines, Constantia
Western Cape
Pure Rejuvenation – Restoring your Health Holistically with Wendy Wotherspoon
Brief Description
Massage with Essential oils esp chosen for your bodies healing & your emotional well being. Reflexology restores natural healing. Facials rejuvenate glow
Body and Mind Website Address
Mobile Phone Number
082 338 3693
Business Street Address
37 Edmonds Place, Glenwood
Transform Your Life with Allison Scott
Brief Description
Having grown up with my grandmother, who was a student of Metaphysics long before it was an accepted thing, I cut my teeth on these teachings (Dr Ernest Holmes, Dr Jack Holland, Dr Joseph Murphy, Dr Tom Johnson, Florence Scovel Shinn, Catherine Ponder and Norman Vincent Peale, to name a few). Having my heart broken at sixteen was the catalyst that put me on my spiritual path, which I have been on ever since. My grandmother was a very wise lady and was my first spiritual teacher / Master, who had a huge influence on me.

I am a Transformation Coach, Practitioner of Energy Medicine & Energy Psychology. I offer transformation through one-on-one consultations, talks, Group Healing Evenings and workshops. I teach powerful workshops for transformation: Conscious Channelling Workshop®, The Art of Manifesting Abundance Workshop®, Empowering Your Life through Energy Healing and Transformation Workshop.

Since 2002, I have helped thousands of clients around the world, through my combination of energy healing techniques and my workshops, creating profound change in their lives. I have just completed my first book of the series: Spiritual Chat on Practical Matters® The Series, called Spiritual Chat® on: Death and the Loss of A Loved One, soon to be released through Balboa Press Publishing.
Body and Mind Website Address
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
021 557 4554
Mobile Phone Number
082 4555 297
Business Street Address
South Africa
Western Cape
TUNNEL OF LIGHT with Lirschia Venter
Brief Description
TUNNEL OF LIGHT with Lirschia Venter
Body and Mind Website Address
Business Phone Number
082 229 9669
Mobile Phone Number
Business Street Address