July’21 Article – Margie Jones – OAK: Quercus robur

From Unflagging Duty to Inner Commitment.

Oak, the holy tree of the Druids, relates to the Soul’s potential for strength and endurance. In the negative Oak state these potentials are used in too rigid a manner. Instead of allowing itself to be guided by the Higher Self through difficult and enjoyable periods in life, the personality becomes stuck in self-imposed high performance stress. Life is then a constant struggle despite the odds, often digging deep to find the energy to carry on stoically. With a strong sense of duty, even behaving like a workaholic, you push yourself to the very limits of endurance. 
Those in the negative Oak state may have forgotten that it’s not only performance that make life worth living. It’s also the more subtle, playful and tender hearted moments in their life that can reenergise them for new accomplishments.
Positive potential Oak people are normally strong, often the mainstay of family and working groups. They have enormous endurance, persistence, patience and a reserve of energy. They can stand up to a good deal of stress. Oak restores energy, helps one recognise the need to take time off to relax and regenerate for the next round of commitments.

Key Oak Symptoms You are like an exhausted fighter who struggles on bravely, never giving up.

Behaviour Patterns in the Blocked State:
1.  You’re overly dutiful and reliable, no matter the cost.
2.  You force yourself to finish any work you’ve started.
3.  You often continue to work only from a sense of duty.

Positive Potential:
1.  You fulfill your duty within the parameters of what is possible.
2.  You accomplish a great deal but are also able to say “That’s enough”.
3.  You master life joyfully, with strength and endurance.

Empowering Statements:
1.  I relax
2.  I finish easily
3.  I feel free.

As taken from: The Encyclopaedia of Bach Flower Therapy by Mechthild Scheffer
Kind Regards
View her page: https://bodyandmind.co.za/margie-jones/