June’21 Article – Margie Jones – MUSTARD: Sinapis Arvensis

Relates to the Soul quality of cheerfulness, serenity and clarity.
In the Negative Mustard state you’re surrounded by gloomy depression.
Have you ever had one of those days where a dark cloud seems to descend from nowhere and you find yourself feeling depressed but simply cannot fathom why? In this dense Mustard state we wear our gloom like a heavy cloak, closing ourselves off from the world. You have no interest in what’s going on around you and all energies are focused inward. You may think it is due to seasonal change, going into winter, SAD, as the absence of light is a reflection of what you are experiencing. In this dark state, movement and thought are weighed down by intense feelings and sensations of heaviness. This sense of heaviness and intense feelings will last until the gloom, just as suddenly, lifts.
By taking Mustard, Dr Bach wrote: “This remedy dispels gloom, and brings joy into life”
Anyone taking Mustard has the feeling of slowly waking from a deep, dark dream

In the Positive Mustard State one has the feeling of joyful serenity that stays with them through gray as well as sunny days. They are aware of the dark clouds, but they don’t allow themselves to be depressed by them.
Mustard helps you discover what lies beneath the density of your feelings, so you can move through life with a lighter heart and mind.

Behaviour in a Negative state:
You don’t feel like doing anything anymore.
Gloominess comes out of the blue, enveloping you in a black cloud.
You’re unable to hide this mood from others.

Behaviour in a Positive state.
You feel carried by the stream of life.
You pass through cloudy days with serenity and clear inner confidence.
You have rich emotions and sense things deeply.

Empowering Statements.
I feel light
I am happy.
I am in the light.

As taken from: The Encyclopaedia of Bach Flower Therapy by Mechthild Scheffer
Kind Regards
View their page: https://bodyandmind.co.za/margie-jones/