Review: Maureen Edgcumbe – Creative Expression Workshops
by Traci French.
Copy Writer & Editor Chanel Lingenfelder
Maureen is one of those phenomenal people that leave a lasting impression! Her dynamic personality shines through everything she does. I was lucky enough to attend one of her Creative Expression Workshops. Apart from being a longstanding kinesiologist her stunning home is a living gallery with her amazing artwork displayed everywhere.
As an insightful artist and intuitive coach, she focuses on attention to detail and leaves no stone unturned (pun intended) when facilitating. She delves deep into underlying issues identifying the root cause, which unlocks creative blockages unleashing personal potential.
We were invited to choose a selection of stones from a magnificent display of coloured glass and then arrange these on cardboard creating our own unique designs using the colours and shapes we felt drawn to. .
She explained that our individual display or design pattern reveals different messages which Maureen interpreted for each person privately. Each message was confirmed with muscle testing
She went on to explain that as humans we needn’t conform to conditioning but rather open up to absorb life-force from positive surrounds thus realign our energy instead of giving it away. In this way one becomes the observer opposed to being indoctrinated by our environment which often leads to depression and illness. As a spectator you are entitled to your opinion and in-turn allow others to express theirs without having to succumb to dictation in any way or form. It is important not to go into denial either, for we often sweep things under the carpet as we find it too challenging to get out the vacuum cleaner by owning up to it. Facing our reality is not an option but we need to do so by being responsive not reactive.
The aim is to ‘get out of your mind and into your heart’ – the key to do so is to discover and unleash your passion, the great healer within.
Too often we are induced and even seduced into an uncreative coma by those around us, be it by human or circumstantial design. To shift this requires awareness, thus a shift in consciousness as we step away from shades of grey embracing a world of transcendent colour.
The design that I created suggested that at times I don’t listen to my inner voice and that I have issues with trusting my intuition. I tend to shut certain emotions out by supressing my feelings because of fear of being hurt which is also not an option, as no matter how hard I try to sweep my pain under a magic carpet the winds of change will always blow the dust right back at me.
Maureen then took us through a visualisation exercise zoning in on the areas of discomfort and then releasing them by stepping away from them and see them disintegrate into powder. Next we visualised how all the weight is lifted from the self. It felt strange at first to be without burden, as we tend to become comfortable in our discomfort however dysfunctional that may be. Next we closed our energy field with a protective shield, mine was green for balance.
Maureen concluded the visualisation with a grounding affirmation which is all about trusting oneself to face the world with confidence and strength in the NOW moment.
It’s all about ‘taming your monkey’ by claiming your power, and if your ‘monkey keeps troubling you’ bring it out into the open thus it loses the hold over you.
Maureen concluded the visualisation with a grounding affirmation which is all about trusting oneself to face the world with confidence and strength in the NOW moment. It’s all about ‘taming your monkey’ by claiming your power, and if your ‘monkey keeps troubling you’ bring it out into the open thus it loses the hold over you.
You can’t teach your altered ego new tricks but you can make it believe that you are! At the end of the session we were given a chance to redesign our kaleidoscope of coloured stones and I was thrilled when Maureen confirmed that I subconsciously rearranged my display with harmonious perfection. The whole experience was totally uplifting and awe-inspiring!
Maureen is a member of Body and Mind.
View her page here: