Angela RedRiver Soul Birth
Angela Red River Soul Birth
Trained Professional Nurse + Active Birth Midwife, A Birth Transitions Guide/Spiritual Midwife, Kundalini Reiki I – 9; Usui Reiki 1 + 2, Synchronization Harmonics – Basic and Advanced 1 + 2, Metaphysical Healing – Basic and Advanced, Flower Essences, Ho’oponopono, DNA Re-Programming, Plus plenty of self-study on a wide range of natural healing modalities, including tissue salts, astrology, human design, gene keys, all facets wholistic birth and birth intervention topics.
Personal Consultations:
- Multi-Modality Birth Blueprint Exploration – Astrological Natal Chart, Tarot Archetypes, Human Design System, Gene Keys Profile and Sequences, and many others – gives one a much broader perspective of the Road Map created by the Moment of our Birth;
- Why would you want to Birth your own Soul or Assist the Birth of Souls?Soul Birth is a journey taken by us to re-awaken ourselves to our Divinity and to re-connect to Unconditional Love and Oneness of our Creator.
Angela RedRiver is a Body and Mind member, visit her page for more information.